Interview: CALAX-002 "CORA"
Cora Emens

Cora Emens (CE):
Nice to see you. I see you as well.
Calax Records(CR):
Nice to see you Cora. How's it going? Are you doing well?
You have inspired me so much to look for old work, and pick it up again and do something with the old work. Yeah, It's inspiring
Oh that's great.
Yeah, I'm really grateful for that.
Can we start the question?
Are there any artists or music scenes that have influenced you? Also, have you been influenced by the friends at the time that surround you? Please tell us about your encounters with them.
The only influence I got, I think, is listening to music when I was teenager or even earlier. And I actually loved all kinds of music. I loved rocks, blues, and soul. And in high school, that was always quite difficult to choose because I loved soul, blues and rock.
Cora Emens in 1969, European championships Flying Junior in England.

So the influences, if you really go way back, I think the big influence is modern music, John Cage. He opened everybody's mind and made us listen to music in a different way. And he also influenced the big musicians of that time. And it was funny that I met him later, much later when I was living with Willem de Ridder. We had dinner at our kitchen table with him and he was a very interesting and wise person. So, I think he was a big influence in my time.
And when I started making music, the only person that influenced me directly was the person who I was living with at that time. That was Andre De Vries. He was a free thinker. I added a little picture about Eurokronen. He was kind of a visionary because if you look at the date that was 1988. And there was no euro yet. But, he made this drawing for me, pretending it to be the future money bills. He was not a big musician but he was free. He was used to playing by himself and with friends and invited me to play along. So this is how things got started.
Eurokronen image with Cora Emens

On some evenings, I went with him to a friend, John Zandijk, who had a real studio with reels
in his living room. And that was, of course, very professional, although I wasn't professional at all. But we did the same thing: just free singing, free whatever came up to do. That would take nights. Out of these nights, there came little pieces that were like little gems. And some of them are on this LP now. So, John Zandijk influenced me in his way. But it was always kind of a struggle with him because he was also very spaced out to find a groove that continued long enough for me to get into and see what would come up. That's how I always make music at the moment. I don't rehearse songs. If I do or try, it's not Me. And I hear that and I don't feel confident. When I just go, and let myself be, and let myself come out, that is very nice.
So these people have influenced me in that time. And that was basically how this compilation came about.
And then later, I met Williem de Ridder. ( ) Because a friend of mine said, “Oh! You made this song. And it's really nice. You have to send it to his program”. De Ridder at that time was also a free thinker and an influencer and had a weekly national Dutch radio show.. People could send him their cassettes. And whatever was on it, he would play it without listening first. He would literally open the envelope in the studio and put it in. And all kinds of things came up. People would send him stories, poems or music and he aired everything. Now it's normal through youtube, but then it was like “Oh! How dare you do that!” And people started listening to each other and they thought “I can do better. I can get played on the radio if I really do my best!.
And that is how this program became really popular. And I was on that radio show one week. He called me after that, and said, ” Who are you? People are calling in. And they want to know who you are.” At that time, Laurie Anderson was famous and he said ”They had more calls asking who you are, then, when her song was played”. I was so surprised because for me it was just like my heart was in it. But it was still for me a throwaway. It was not professional in that sense how I looked at it. But I was flabbergasted so I agreed to meet Willem because he was curious who I was.
And one thing led to another, I traveled with him first, because he was organizing throughout the country, Life Radiola Salons. People were really interested in it. They would give their tape to him before, and then, when they heard the first sounds of their tape, they had to rush to the podium and do something, it didn't matter what, but it had to make sense with your music. It was quite popular in a lot of cities in Holland. One performance was amazing. Somebody just ran to the podium and started eating a lemon. His face said it all. Everybody felt it. Everybody could relate to that sour feeling.
それから、なりゆきがあって、私は彼とまず旅行にいくことになりました。なぜなら、彼は全国で”ライフ レディオラ サロン”というイベントを開催していたからです。それは当時、とても面白がられました。サロンの参加者は、イベントの開催前にテープを送り、当日、彼らのテープが会場で流れたら表彰台に上がり何かしらのパフォーマンスをしなければならないというものです。パフォーマンスの内容は、事前に送った音楽と何かしらの関係性さえ見出されるならば、何をしてもよいというものでした。イベントは、オランダの多くの街でとても人気になりました。あるパフォーマンスはとても素晴らしいものでした。誰かが表彰台に上がるやいなや、突然、彼はレモンをかじり始めました。彼の表情が全てを物語っていました。そこにいる全員がそれを感じ、あの酸っぱいという感覚を、自分のことのように体験できたのです。
So, Willem influenced me, of course. I started living with him, his ideas about everything were very inspiring. And he wanted me to do storytelling because Willem was basically a storyteller. He got me to tell stories and make radio plays with him, all improvised. That was quite interesting.
Cora Emens and Willem de Ridder in 1988 in their home studio

I asked him, “Do you want to come with me to John Zandijk's studio and make some music together?” He was not really a singer, but it was quite interesting. That is the way we found each other with singing. In the mornings, we would get up and sing with each other to get the energy going. That was a really nice time.
At a certain moment, I was asked for another radio station in Amsterdam to do a live recording. Because I didn't want to do it on my own, I wanted to do it with other musicians . I invited Willem, and then, Hessel Veldman, one of the home tapers who would send him music and was involved in projects with Willem. We formed a group with his wife Nicole as well. A first co-production resulted in the cassette “ Ei Blot till List”.
また、ある時、私はアムステルダムにある別のラジオ局でライブレコーディングをするようにお願いされました。独りではやりたくなかったので、他のミュージシャンも誘ってみました。ウィレム、そして、ハッセル・ベールドマンを。彼は、ウィレムの番組に自作のホームテープを送っていたリスナーの1人でした。あとハッセルの妻・ニコルも交え、私たちはグループを結成しました。このグループ最初の作品は“ Ei Blot till List”というカセットとして形になりました。

Fanatic Members from left to right : Hessel Veldman, Cora Emens, Nicole Veldman and Willem de Ridder.
Picture by Annie Sprinkle

Cora Emens and Nicole Veldman at Xart studio Ijmuiden. Still from a “ FNTC” video.

After that we really became a group. So, we were four people: Willem and me, Hessel and Nicole Veldman. One thing led to another, we started performing in a very special way. People had to lay down on mattresses and get a blindfold. And we would make music and walk around in between them, using smells and sometimes things to touch slightly. It would be a whole experience. Not New Age and not with Tibetan Bowls. It was totally free music. It was not meant to heal anybody, but just to give our audience an experience. We did that for a couple of years. Hessel influenced me because he was always looking for weird sounds, making things strange but very inspiring as well.
Music from FNTC can be listened to in the Blog of Hessel Veldman

I met Alvin Curran ( ) through Willem. He called himself a sound artist. I think that's a very nice term I can apply to myself as well. But he is a very big artist in contemporary music. He did an art piece in a boat sailing through Amsterdam. And he had all boats blowing their horns but in a musical way, so stretched out on the river. I really like his pieces. Then later, he went to Berlin where he lived on a grant to study music and make his pieces and performances. Willem and Alvin Curran had projects together. And I was there with them. We lived for a month in Berlin. And one time, we made a piece together. He asked me, “do you want to try to work with this machine?”. Because the machine was very electronic, I was looking for sounds. And then, playing with the sounds that came out actually. That was the other piece with him. He was also an influencer because with him everything was possible, you know. That was really nice.
At the same time, when I was living with Willem, I studied with a shaman named Joska Soos ( ) He lived in Belgium just on the border from Holland. He taught me a lot about the power of sounds: how sound can influence you, your whole body and your mind, everything. And I learned to sing with frogs. It's a certain sound that frogs make. And one morning, I was really practicing this near a small piece of water. There were a lot of frogs early in the morning, like 4:30. The sun just came up and I was really sitting there and singing like a frog. And then, of course, the frogs were singing with me. And when I stopped I saw a violet flame and I realized that something had changed while I had been singing. I could see other things, another reality. And that was quite eye-opening that sound could do that. I learned more things like singing with bees. And then, also through him I got into Tibetan bowls.
So, what I have in common with a lot of the people I collaborated with, for instance, Willem and the shaman, is to incorporate sounds from everyday life or nature into the music. We made one piece in which we recorded sounds in New York. Very busy street sounds in New York and incorporated that in a piece. That's what we did. But I also have a piece that I'm going for a walk with a microphone hanging in my hand and recording sounds when I walk close to the ground, at the same moment, recording a well. It is called “ Il Pozzo Canta” , because I started singing with the well at a certain moment. This is how my music came about basically.
なので、ウィレムやシャーマンのように、私がコラボレーションを行う人に共通して言える点は、日常生活や自然から生まれる音を作品に組み込む、ということです。ニューヨークで録音した音を使った作品も作りました。ニューヨークの、とても五月蝿いストリート。その騒音を作品に取り入れました。それが私たちのしてきたことです。またある時は、マイクを手に持ちながら路上を歩き、その地面に近いところに歩いた時の音を録音し、それと同じ時期に、井戸の音を録音したのです。それは、私がある時期から井戸の音で歌い始めるようになったことから、“ Il Pozzo Canta(井戸の歌)”という作品になりました。そうやって、私の音楽は生まれるのです。
Later, I met Chris Deckker. He was a percussionist. And with him, I traveled with some other members of a group over Ley Lines in Europe. So we went on a Glastonbury tour first in England which is a sacred place basically, and then through Europe. Where you have Mont Saint Michel in France, in Italy you have the same place. It's called Monte Sant'Angelo. And then, in Greece, to Delphi. We sang in all those places. We felt the energy of the place and vocalized that. And I had done things like that with Willem already. In the Ardennes, we would especially go to standing stones, and just being there. This trip in Europe lasted a month. And I learned to play the drums a little bit. I never thought I could. But Chris being a perfectionist, really got me into the understanding of what the drum can do. I remember sitting on a big hilltop, and beneath me was the Mediterranean. We were both drumming. I just bought a huge drum. It felt that we were traveling through the sounds. Those were moments that music really grabbed me. I got into the rhythm to trust that. I'm not a good drummer but I can hold a simple rhythm. And of course, nowadays with computers, you can make the rhythm really easy.
Chris and I traveled back to Amsterdam. But we made a detour and came to a little spot that was called Ireon. It was also an ancient spot, there was nobody there and the feeling was really strong. And I walked down the pathway of a sacred site. I felt I made a connection with something far out in the cosmos. And, at the same time, I felt dolphins there. And I started moving like dolphins do, undulating my body. And I started making a sound that I didn't know I had in me. Chris was standing behind me and he got goosebumps and everything felt different after that. He suddenly knew what to do with the rest of his life. He moved to London and he started “ Medicine Drum” . He became really big in the dance scene using not only rhythms, of course, but also using nature sounds and vocals, or whatever. You should definitely look him up if you are interested in dance music.
Then I also made music with Jim Wafer. He played the didgeridoo and was very much aware of all the frequencies. He found out which frequency had certain effects. And he combined it all in his music. He really studied the frequencies of the organs and what to use to heal certain organs. He was an influencer, not a big name like John Cage, or Alvin Curran, or Willem de Ridder, but definitely somebody who influenced me and lots of others.
But if I have to say what influenced me the most, I'm still going back to nature. When I hear birds singing, it's music to me. And I try to hear a lot of things like music.
And I was so happy when I was raising my daughter. One day, she was behind me on a bicycle. Because in Amsterdam everything is on the bike. And the tram would come from behind and she started like Mmmmmmm and moved from side to side because she heard the rhythm of the trolley. And she totally got into it. And I thought she's definitely my daughter. And some people look at the ponds and they only see what's above the ponds. Some people are aware that the reflection is also in the pond and they see double reality. It's important to hear and see and be aware of a deeper layer. I mean, there is so much music if you want to hear it.
Even Joska Soos told me once that it's better not to get annoyed when you hear a lot of noise on the highway, for instance: “If you're living close to a highway”, he said, “you have to just change your mindset and think they're bees. And then, the sound transforms a bit, you can handle it more instead of being annoyed all the time by it.” I remember coming back from a workshop with him, one night. I was sitting in our kitchen and I was really mesmerized by all the sounds that I heard. And then, I realized I had been listening to the overtones of the refrigerator. Those kinds of tones are really interesting to become aware of. And There's a whole world out there that I can hear. I can play with it. I can maybe express it. And I made a lot of music just searching for my own music. So, I tried to find it in my heart and share.
We can see that you make music with your artistic expression and take music as art.
That's all right. Thank you.
From Willem, I learned a lot because he's a big artist. And there were times that I said to him, “I had no inspiration. I don't know what to do.” He once put me behind the radio to record a talk, because he wanted to teach me just to be free with talking. And I'm sitting there. And I don't know what to say and what to talk about. I was complaining and resisting, basically, to talk freely. And he played it on the radio. So people laughed. And then I thought okay. So my excuse for not having any inspiration is bullshit. He said “if you sit down, something comes”. And that is a very good lesson. I've learned not to always run away from the fact that I feel empty. It's good if you're empty, because then you can express what's really there instead of having a thing in your mind like, “I have to produce this. Or I have to produce that...” I don't like making music to become work. I rather enjoy and express myself and be free.
Do you make music more like just feeling? Or do you set up any concepts before you make music? Well, it has changed, maybe.
Of course, when I was making this LP, it was actually a cassette at that time. It was all feeling. We had only one cassette player that you could record on. And later, we had the double cassette recorders. So, we could also duplicate cassettes. You can lay a layer, and then, put a layer again on top of it. I did it a lot like that. Of course, now with the studio on my PC I can do that easily.
Later music that I made for “Headsex” . I didn't tell you anything about this, but, my job is sex coach. To teach people at home not through visuals but with sound and voice only. Of course I can show techniques myself or somebody else can show them. But you're always also looking at the person who is showing you and start to compare or whatever. So, I thought let me give only sound instructions. And I started making my own music for backgrounds. I wanted to have it really simple, but with some kind of rhythm. This is how I got into making tracks with only rhythm, like a basic track for my voice to talk over. They were quite nice pieces. And I learned a lot about putting rhythm tracks together, working with a studio on my PC. And I had a good time with that.

Cora Emens as a sex coach
So, I had all these tracks and I thought well I knew some musicians through my partner, because he's a musician and singer. I asked some of the musicians if it would inspire them and I recorded them adding their music over it with effects. They turned out to be really beautiful pieces. And I think my next projects will be also making first a layer for myself that I can embed myself into and then start singing again.
OK. Then, the next question.
What kind of journey have the various projects you have done taken you on? Please tell us about any important people you have encountered in your journey. And what was the most memorable project you worked on?
I thought about this and found it really hard because all the works are memorable. But the most deep ones are the ones that we recorded in nature, churches, or special places. I don't know if it's the most life-changing for me, but that sound, that I told you, which I made in Ireon in Greece was amazing. And we tried to duplicate it later in the studio and make a song which is called “The Call”, But I never managed to reproduce that particular sound anymore.
( “The Call”, you can hear it on Cora’s Bandcamp. )
この質問はよく考えてみたのですが、とても難しいですね。なぜなら、すべての作品が私にとっては印象に残るものなので。ですが、最も深く記憶に残るものは、自然や、教会、あるいは特別な場所で録音してきた作品たちです。それが私の人生を変えうるものだったかどうか、自分にはわかりませんが、ただ、その音、前にも言いましたがギリシャのイレオンで録音した音は、とても素晴らしいものでした。後日、その音をソフトウェアで複製し”The Call”という曲を作りました。ですが、もう、その音を再現することはできませんでした。( この楽曲は彼女のバンドキャンプで聴くことができます。 )
So, they also made me realize that it really has to happen on the spot. I cannot duplicate the sound that I once made. Especially in a totally different environment like a studio. I couldn't get there. So, it comes through me. And also with my performances, I let the environment dictate what I do. So, I don't rehearse. I have a little script. And then, the rest is improvised.
I see it's kind of a communication with something around the environment. And then, you make music through it.
I once had a dance teacher. He would turn his back to us while we had to totally embody ourselves, and make movements. So even when he was not looking at us, he could feel if somebody was grounded in their own space or spaced out. And he also taught us to make connections with trees, which actually I was already inclined to do. So, it was really easy to make that connection and to see the aura of the trees.
Life has been a big discovery basically. It's all there. So, I really don't know which was the biggest. I really don't know.
I wanted to say one more thing. When I was really young, at school I learned something about Delphi in Greece about an Oracle there. That is basically what I felt like. If anything, I really wanted to be in life. I wanted to be an oracle. Basically, that is what I sing. I'm not saying that I'm transmitting wisdom all the time or something that you can understand with words. But it is something that I feel I have to receive and pass on.
We found your song which has your daughter's name “Aida”.
Well, I was a lot into singing at that time, and Willem recorded the sounds of me pregnant and giving birth. If you go to check up, when you're pregnant, you get to listen to the heart of your baby. And it's so fast! It's like the sounds from a little bird. It was inspiring.
And when she was born, instead of sending everybody a card, we decided to send to our most intimate family and friends, the sounds of giving birth and her heartbeat and my singing over it. So, that became a piece. Can you imagine? When you get this tape, you have to play it. Then, you hear those sounds as well. And then, she came out. You know about giving birth, it is mostly done in hospitals. And I only had seen a birth on film at my school when I was studying health science. But, normally, you don't see that. Later it was picked up as a Radio play.
What was your honest impression when you received the offer of this re-issued from us?
I was so incredibly surprised by that. I made this work 40 years ago. And suddenly, it pops up in my reality again. And I was busy with the past. I was collecting all the videos that I've been on television while being a sex coach, and all kinds of pictures and videos. I was busy with the past. But I had never expected this.
Because, at that time, hometapers were killing the music industry. Everybody thought like that. There were even memes on stickers about it. “ Home taping is killing the music industry” . To have this now on an LP coming out….. At that time, we were home tapers and we didn't conform to the music industry. I knew, “We're never going to be on vinyls. And we're never going to be played on the radio”. And here, thanks to Willem, my music was played on the radio. And one thing led to another, that is why it's so funny. And that it is even a double LP!
当時、ホームテーパーは音楽業界を滅ぼしていました。誰もがそう考えていました。ステッカーにもそのようなミームが書かれていました。“ Home taping is killing the music industry”と。それが今や、LPとして再び世に出ると…。当時、私たちホームテーパーは音楽業界に目もくれませんでした。「決してレコードになることもなく、ラジオで流れることもないだろう」と。しかし、ウィレムのおかげでラジオに放送されました。そして、それがまた次に繋がって、ひいてはダブルLPになるとは!
You are an expert in liberating your soul. And you are also a musician, a sex coach, and a performer. What does it mean to you to love someone? Also, what are some typical problems we tend to have when it comes to loving?
This is going deep, but I appreciate it. Because it makes me look back and think about my life.
But there is something that I really want to say. You say that I am an expert at liberating my soul, but I don't know that. I just wanted to stay true to my soul. I don't think my soul needed liberation. But my ego needed to dissolve a little bit more. But I've also learned something important, because a lot of people want to get rid of their ego as fast as they can, at least in certain circles. One time, an astrologer told me you first have to build an ego to get rid of an ego. Because, after the regatta sailing, I basically didn't build any ego. And then, at a certain moment when I became sex coach, I really used my ego also to promote myself and my work. And being on television you need an ego. And now I'm letting it go again. It's like I don't need it as much anymore. I don't always have to be in control.
And I didn't always feel free really. It's been a journey, you know, looking back from 40 years or longer till now. And I feel that I've always tried to live in a way that I was aware that it was me, not a puppet of society like a soldier, a worker, a housewife or whatever role would fit in a particular society. You have to choose your role from a young age. And you stay in that, or when you're really stressed out, and you have a burnout, then, maybe you change your life. Basically, that is how a lot of people live. And I didn't want to do that. So, I never really had a steady job, never had one in my life. I always worked part-time. And started my own business as a sexcoach. I sort of grew into it. I'm acting or talking about sex as if it's the most normal thing in life which it is. But a lot of people don't treat it that way. If they make it so special, you can only fail, basically.
There are so many examples, especially when used to watching porn, that you feel like: “ Am I doing good enough? Am I doing it right?” And you get distracted by the what society pushes you what sex is. As a sex coach, I try to break down all these fears, the guilt, everything and come to the person, to connect sexuality with the heart and with spirituality. For me, sex and music are very similar, because it's both you can enter into another realm of consciousness. It enhances that we let go of our story of who we are and just be.
Health and sound are together. To be sound of mind and body means to be healthy. If you hear a bad sound, or a disturbing sound, your cells react. A good harmonic sound makes your cells react as well, you feel better. So you can heal with sound. Of course, shamans did know this already for a long long time. So, I can see the red thread being interested in sound, and being interested in health, being interested in sex. To me,it's one thing.
As a child, you love your parents, that is a certain form of love that has to do with the fact that we really need them. And then you learn to love yourself and others not based on need. This is how my sex coaching work started, learning to love yourself in all aspects. And then, love with a partner, it's a different love. That has to do also with lust. And that can be complicated because you're driven by hormones. The love of a mother or a child is different. To me, love is resonating from the heart and living from the heart. It's an open space you can even feel. Feel this, open yourself up for what is.
And then, when you open your heart, it's easier. Life is easier. To me, love is living from the heart, and transmitting and receiving honesty. And it has to start with being honest to yourself and loving yourself. And only then, you can accept others as they are. That is very important, the love should be unconditional. There shouldn't be conditions with it. Conditions are based in fear.
Of course, as a child, it feels like there are conditions, because you have to learn to behave, even when you do not want to. As a mother, I learned very much about unconditional love, because whatever your child does, in the end, you love the child. At least, I do.
I think love has a certain healing vibration to really live. Love is the absence of fear as well as being open to what is. At the same time, it has to do also with caring and nurturing and being with somebody, really making honest connections, and holding nothing back, giving all you've got, especially when you're living together.
What are your opinions and thoughts about death? How do you feel and spend time in everyday life? What kind of existence do you think we should have in order to have a good life?
Well, let me say I was interested in death at a young age. I was studying health science.
And during the four or five years of study, I hadn't heard anything about the influence of death: what that has on life, and how do you deal with that, never nothing. So, I decided to graduate on the topic of death, dying, and mourning.
So when I was in my early 20s, everybody said to me: “You're too young. Why do you study that?.” It was hard for me. It felt like a birth every month. I wrote, and then, I was reading again, and chewing again. And my cats died. So, I went myself through a mourning process. And I realized that all these emotions that we have to go through when we lose somebody, or something, or a quality in life. It's all the same process when we are mourning, or when we are dying. It's like saying goodbye and letting go of things.
All these emotions come up from denial to anger to sadness, to acceptance finally. And I realized that most people cannot deal with these emotions. In the first place, we don't really learn how to deal with our emotions, so we become a victim of them. By understanding what they do and how it works, we don't have to be victims of our emotions.
We are afraid of death. Our societies are based on the fear of death, especially western society. I cannot speak about Japan, but definitely here where I grew up so much fear of that. And fear of that to me equals the fear of living, because being afraid to die can be any moment. My mother was very afraid. Wherever she was, she envisioned accidents or bad things to happen. And she had a hard time letting go of her life when her time was up, because she was very afraid.
How you live is how you die.
If you live trusting everything, you can trust death as well. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of the consequences for my daughter. I'm afraid of having a lot of pain. But on the other hand, pain causes endorphins in our brain. It's not the same as morphine, but it's almost more like morphine. So, even the pain transcends you.
I think when we die, we go to another realm and get reborn again. There's a lot of proof of that. People, young kids especially, who remember their past life, couldn't know otherwise a lot of beautiful stories. So, I'm convinced that we will continue.
And I'm already acquainted a little bit with other realms of life by singing. And sex. So, I'm not afraid. I mean even an orgasm is a little death. “ Le Petite Mort” as the French call it. So I also think that by having a lot of sex you prepare yourself as well for living and for dying. It is basically also the fear of dying, that keeps a lot of women from being able to orgasm because they can’t let go. It is the fear of the unknown.
そして、私は歌うことで、”ここ”ではない領域に関しても少しずつ知ることができています。そしてセックスを通じても。なので怖くはありません。オーガズムも小さな死なのですから。フランス人が言うところの「Le Petite Mort(小さな死)」ですね。だから、たくさんのセックスを重ねることで生きることと死ぬことの両方に備えることができるのです。多くの女性をオーガズムから遠ざけているものは、基本的には死への恐怖なのです。未知への恐怖です。
Let me say I'm over 60. I am aware that the time that I've been here, it's longer than the time that I probably have left. That's life. You learn how to accept that and deal with it. And it's a beautiful ride. That is all I can say.
We think so, too.
And what do I do everyday?
Yes. Your everyday life. And what do you like? What kind of things do you feel happy about each moment?
Well, constantly being happy is not possible.
I think it would be nice. But there are things that are making you happier sometimes.
But I don't pursue happiness. That's stupid to pursue. It is better to be, and then, accept what is there and focus on being this. So, happiness is possible joy you can receive, joy from a singing bird, a flower, or whatever.
So, what I like to do is: I have a canoe, actually we have two canoes. My partner has one. And I have one so we both like canoeing. I like swimming. I like hiking. I like watching interesting documentaries that teach me about life, or science, or new developments. And I like listening to music and making music, of course. I don't know if I like it so much, but I'm learning how to use my studio. Because it's a lot to learn something totally new when you're over 60. Digital and recording and making tracks and things like that. I used Cubase, but now I have a different studio. So, I have to learn that one.
And spending time in my garden. I really have a connection with plants and animals. I like to connect with them. If I see a duck --- I have two ducks at the moment in my front yard, they kind of live there --- I feed them. I like the connection. And maybe, one day I will record some duck sounds to play with, who knows.
When projects take on too long, it's harder. So, I'd like something that lasts about a couple of weeks. And then, when finished, something else starts. That's how I like to live my life. Of course, after my chores, my work of being a sex coach and working with clients, the rest of the things is the household, the dishes and the laundry. And I'm trying to do all that with some juice and some rhythm. Sometimes when I'm in the kitchen, if you get a rhythm in hearing the radio or coming up from yourself, it's so much nicer to do those chores. It becomes dancing instead of the dishes. If you move along with it, things are getting easier.
My advice, I think, for everybody is to listen to the music, really listen to the music. Because it's in us. And it's also all around us. And it can help us to enjoy life. So you can say that was a good life! Be free. A free life is a good life. I think we're free to develop ourselves according to our own blueprint because we all have a kind of blueprint.
I have given a lot of messages to people in my life. And even through the body, I always try to restore the blueprint. I hope you understand what I mean with that. You know, it’s like downloading information. The clearer you are, the healthier you are, the better you can see and work with that download. So, free to gather wisdom from life, I think. We get too indoctrinated at a young age --- how we should think, how we should be, how we should behave. And I think people should have much more freedom to develop their own wisdom.
I love my daughter. And she's wise. She's really wise. So, I'm happy I let her develop herself and didn't force her to go look for a job, because she had to contribute. I didn't do that. I let her be. And she found a way. And now she's really doing well financially, emotionally, and everything.
Free to express ourselves in order to find ourselves. The important thing for me is to learn about sexuality because sex and death have been such big taboos and are distorted in our society. It's important that we get some kind of freedom to find our own way of what it really means. And it's not only a genital thing, of course. And some people need a lot of lovers as I did to find that within myself. So I could share it with somebody, not to get bored. I've been in a relationship for almost 25 years, really helping each other to grow more and stimulate each other.
So you keep the freedom. What makes a happy life is to live from the heart, to make all the decisions from the heart. Then, you have no regrets. I think you had a good life, if you were able to follow your heart.
So really impressive now for us.
This has been an interesting interview.
Thank you for your time. And also the Rush Hour store is very close to the shop that you told us.
This cassette release came out first at a shop in Amsterdam, named “Staalplaat”. And that was exactly in the same street as Rush Hour is. Life is amazing
Thank you. We are very honored to work with you. Stay safe.
Thank you very much. Bye Bye.
2021. 05. 15